Saturday, March 15, 2014

So this is how it is ...

It has now been over a month that I have been in Placencia. Several people both locals and tourists have asked me what I think now that I've been here a while, so I have spent some time thinking about it.

Part of that time was a little forced because I've had some computer problems. Someone told me recently that electronics get eaten up down here, I am assuming from the humidity etc. I take my computer everywhere and the easiest places to get internet while out and about is the bars and restaurants, open air, near the ocean. The other day I was minding my own business as they say and my computer quit working. Could have been humidity or it might have been something else. There is a rumor that someone sitting next to me, while I was in the restroom, had their plastic cup of soda blown over by the wind and come of it may have gotten on my computer. I didn't notice it when I came back except things stopped working.

It was an accident and no one said anything to me at the time and I didn't confront anyone. I took my computer home and cleaned it all. It started to work again while at home then quit again. It seems the computer is actually kind of working but the usb port and the power port on one side may have been affected.


I went to the phone company, BTL and purchased a netbook which they were selling really cheap. I'll take my computer to Apple when I get back to the states. I'm not willing to turn it over to someone in Belize to ry and get it fixed.  I still can't be sure if something got spilled on it or if it isjust the humidity. I have noticed a few things about my iPhone which seem a little sticky about it, makes me more concerned about humidity. I have now begun to carry my electronics in sealed plastic, a dry pouch for my phones and a heavy duty zip lock bag for my netbook. When I come back to the states, I will purchase some better dry bags for anything electronic.

Okay, back to life in Placencia. I moved. Out of the small (very small) cabana to the one bedroom house across the lagoon. Good timing, the cabana was seeming really really small. BUT, it did have internet,not always real reliable internet, but it had it.

I was lucky, a friend came over to help me move. The boat, I have to get me back and forth across the lagoon is, how should I put this ..... well let me just show you ...

So you can see the seat in the back of the boat is broken, to get across you stand up in the boat, a foot on each side and row across, kind of like stand up paddleboard but not. I was imagining me in the boat with my two 50+ pound suitcases and my carry ons and the extras I've bought since being here. I was starting to panic. But a new friend came to the rescue, said he would help, then also introduced me to my next door neighbors who brought over their bigger boat and hauled my luggage over.

The house is bigger, I have my own bedroom now separate from the rest of the living space which is nice. But no internet. When I moved in I was told internet would cost about $50 US per month. When I went to get it it would cost at least that, more if I wanted any speed at all but they wanted a $500 US deposit because I am not a Belize resident. Um, no. I decided it wasn't that important and having to go somewhere for internet assures me that I will get out of the house and be social. It has been good for my reading though, two novels in the last three days.

Otherwise, life in Placencia is good. Relaxed, sunny lovely people. I sometimes have to remind myself that being laid back is a good thing, there is no need to rush.

I had lunch the other day at a llittle stand along the main road. A chicken burrito and a soda. Cost? $4 Belize.That is $2 US. I could get used to this. It was plenty of food and really good.

So in wandering around Belize I've taken a few snapshots.

There is a concrete wall where an artist has done these murals.
The artist's last name is Garcia, his first initial is S.  One of the pictures
is done by someone named Omar Garcia, I only assume they are related.

You gotta love the sentiment.

Sorry about the shadows but this Whaleshark is pretty cool.

The one in the middle is the one done by Omar. I've seen  this same
picture as a photograph on a postcard in town.
I looked at this "scaffolding" and I thought there is no way I
would climb on or stand on this stuff, but they do ... amazing.
As I find myself adjusting to the Belizean way of life, I am learning quite a lot about myself, about what is really important to me, and what is "necessary". I miss having more regular contact with family and friends but I am enjoying finding myself and learning about living on my own in another country.

Oh and I had a visitor yesterday, a hummingbird flew into my house. I'm certain it means something but I'm not yet sure what.It was cool, nonetheless.


  1. Julie, maybe try to get some of those little silica packets that come packed with electronics. Amazon sells them. You could put them in your laptop bag/camera bag and that might help with the humidity issue.

    You're living the dream, girl!

    1. It must be the Bain brain, I was thinking the same thing. Another friend who has actually lived quite a bit of time on sailboats suggests putting my electronics in a ziplock bag with rice once every week or two. Raw rice sucks up the moisture. I use the silica packs in the housing of my underwater camera when I dive so I have a few already. It is all a work in progress.

  2. I was wondering why the boat only had one oar. Mystery solved.

    1. Well I haven't fallen in ..... yet. But I'm often afraid I will. Really for having one oar it would be nice if it were longer, but it will do.

  3. Oh, that boat, Julie! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. You have an amazing attitude. I'm loving your stories. And brava to your adaptation skills. I know it must be hard sometimes, but you're doing great. The photos are fantastic. I love seeing where you live and where you go. I hope the ideas for managing the humidity with your devices help. By the way, I am getting your posts by email. I got sidetracked and forgot to let you know. I'm sorry! Sending lots of hugs and good thoughts your way. xoxoxo ~ Beth (pinemeadowpond) I can't sign in with my reg url and name, though.

  4. Second your friend's advice about rice and ziplocs. That method has brought electronics back from the dead!
