Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Visit to Immigration

Here I am, just 5 days shy of having been here a month. That means it was time for me to go and get my passport stamped for another month's stay. People had told me it wasn't too hard to do, so I walked to the dock for the Hokey Pokey Water Taxi:

Behind this sign is a picnic table, that serves as the office for the Water Taxi
where you can buy your ticket $6 BZD one way.

This is the boat we travel in. No safety briefing here but it was obvious where
the life jackets were kept.

Would have liked to show how fast we were going but I was more worried
I would drop my phone in the water.

Our boat captain/driver -- also a ticket taker.
And we're off to Independence
The water taxi I was on was full. Several of the people on it were people who sailed (for real, on sailboats) to Belize from other places and either needed to get their travel documents extended, like I did, or were checking out and needed to pay the exit fee from Belize and visit customs. Several of them have been living on their boats for the past 5-8 years. One guy I met had sailed with his wife to Belize from England in a 41 ft. sailboat. I have decided, despite my initial assessment of myself as maybe a little bit brave or at least adventurous, I don't hold a candle to some of these folks. I just don't see doing an Atlantic crossing in a 41 ft. sailboat. Another had originally sailed here from New Orleans, encountered a couple of groundings of the boat, a tropical storm and a few other "mishaps" along the way but doesn't complain. These people are serious adventurers.

So we arrived in Independence, which is also known as Mango Creek. 7 of us shared a cab which took us through town and on past to a little building that houses Belize Immigration. I went in, paid my $50 BZD and now have anew stamp in my passport.

The taxi waited for those of us only renewing our passport stamps and took us back to the Water Taxi. He then went back to get those who had to go through their exit proceedings and see customs. The taxi ride cost $10 BZD ($5 US) per person round trip.

The "station" for the Hokey Pokey Water Taxi. Inside there are signs posted,
No Smoking" and "No Loafers" they have their standards.
While waiting for the boat ride back I watched this local guy, he was fishing ... with a long bit of fishing line with a hook tied to the end and maybe a little tiny sinker tied on. No pole, no reel, just throw that line out there and slowly pull it back in. Didn't see him catch anything.

Thats the fisherman up front, and you can't see but he is pulling in his fishing
line and hook. Don't know how well this method works but he is not the first
I've seen using the same method.
The trip to Independence from Placencia by car takes about two hours. It is a 15 minute boat ride and despite the name, the Hokey Pokey water taxi is anything but Pokey, we moved right along in the water. Next time I'll spend more time in Independence and just check it out.

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