Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hey! Look what you can do now!!

I am a worrier. And extremely insecure. No, really. And so as I started this adventure and this blog I worried, about whether anyone would realize I was gone, if they would read the blog, or if they (you) would like it. Don't worry, you don't have to answer that question.

But, so far, I have gotten really nice feedback, thank you very much (even if that means there is 10 of you out there, you are a wonderful ten).

So I have this blog and some people just type the address into their web browser and voila! Others, wait and see when I put a link to it on Facebook and get to it that way. Whatever way you choose to get here I'm glad you're here and I hope you'll stick around, and maybe invite some friends.

Facebook, my best friend and the bane of my existence. When I look at the statistics (I just said I looked, didn't say I always understand them), most of you get here through Facebook. So that's a good thing, right? But then I noticed that Facebook in all of it's weirdness sometimes shows you that I've posted something, and then for no apparent reason sometimes it doesn't.

I know from my own experience, if you don't know I've put up a new post, you won't go look either, we all need a gentle nudge now and again. I did a little testing and can't figure out how to fix that problem, or get Facebook to fix it. I think what they would really like is if I made my page more like a business page that you like, then I paid Facebook to put my link on more people's timelines and new feeds. Sorry,  there is diving to be done, i can't pay Facebook for doing what should be pretty simple.

But, I have the solution!

Yep, you can now follow by e-mail and each time I put up a new post, you'll get it in your e-mail. Easy as pie. So all you have to do, after you finish reading this wonderful post, is scroll down to the bottom just above my profile, and there is a box that says, amazingly "Follow by e-mail" with a box to put your e-mail address in, click submit and .....Ta-dah!

So what are you waiting for, start scrolling and enter your e-mail address! And make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when lots of you start following. And hey, you can always leave a comment on the blog too, show a little love.

Or, you can just wait of when I suddenly pop up unexpectedly on your Facebook newsfeed. But you might miss a really good post in the meantime.

And if I forgot to say so already, thanks.

You just can't beat caribbean sunsets. Cool breeze, dolphins lazily swimming by, a cold drink, no complaints here.