Thursday, May 8, 2014

On a Killing Spree ...

I am a murderer, and last night I went on a killing spree.


First, let me reiterate, the cockroaches in the Caribbean are really just a part of life, they are here (probably have been for thousands if not millions of years ... long before me), not due to a place being dirty, probably more likely because the place is built where the cockroaches already lived and when in search of food or water, sometimes it is found inside a dwelling. Unfortunately for them, the dwelling they chose happens to be mine.

I think I may have mentioned. I don't do bugs. I really don't do cockroaches.

So, while sitting a reading, minding my own business, out of the corner of my eye I see movement and there it is, just crawling across the floor. Half a can of bug poison later and it is on it's back, little legs kind of twitching. Sweep that baby right out the door.

About 10 minutes later there is another one. I tried to be a little more judicious with the poison, not because I didn't want to use another half a can but I started to worry about running out before my killing spree was over.

So final count was 5 large and 6 small roaches, which now litter the front walkway at my house.

There was a casualty, for which I'm sure I'll pay dearly. But I was in a frenzy and the light level was relatively low. I walked out expecting I might see a roach and there it was. I swore it was a pretty big size spider. Yeah, I do spiders about as well as I do cockroaches. So out came the poison and spray away. As I'm poisoning the thing I realize it doesn't really crawl across the floor like a spider an then I realize it is a tiny little crab, about the size of a nickel from claw to claw.

I'm certain the ocean gods will get me for this, but really what the heck was that crab thinking coming inside my house???

My real payment may be that I will die from inhaling bug poison  inside my house. I'm looking for an exterminator as we speak, I don't even know if they have them here.


  1. Thanks for making me laugh Jules!!

    1. Dee glad someone saw some humor in it all! Love you girl.
