Friday, January 31, 2014

And the Countdown Begins

It is really happening, I mean really.

Plane ticket is purchased.

... and I think I found a house.

It is small, a one bedroom with a futon in the living room area. But wait, want to see one of the best parts? Look .....

That is what will be my front yard. Jealous yet?

The house is in Placencia and is across a lagoon/canal from the road into town so the house is accessible only by boat.

I'm already in love.

Oh, right, the plane ticket ... I leave Saturday the 8th in the evening, arrive in Belize City late on the morning of the 9th.

Okay now for the bad news, the house isn't available until the 15th of March and no, I'm not staying in the U.S. on friend's couches for an additional month so I'm working on where I'll stay for the intervening month.

I'll remind you as I remind myself, "leap, and the net will appear". So I'm sure I'll find a perfect interim place but I can't wait to move in to this place.

You're still welcome to come visit, you've been forewarned about the lack of space. But remember, if my little place doesn't fit your needs, there are lovely resorts and other places to stay in Placencia.

So keep your fingers crossed, think good thoughts, send positive vibes, I'll let you know what happens next.

**YIPPEEEEE!!**  (That is my outside voice, sorry.)

Next post: think I can get my three suitcases down to two?


  1. Very cool and I am fine with a futon. Looks like your address should be Gilligan's Island with that view.

  2. Not a chance....probably up to 4. I'll be there

  3. Julie,
    You probably won't see this, as you are on the move, but I think that your house will be wonderful, considering the view and the privacy. Good Luck! Ruth

  4. Oh wow...wish I was there. How beautiful Julie, and your little interim place is cute too. We'll get down there one way or another! Enjoy!!! (and yes, the green-eyed monster has appeared)
