Sunday, January 26, 2014

All Things Considered

Apologies to the NPR show of the same name, it just fit with my thinking at the moment.

So, as I sit and bide my time before leaving I have plenty of time to continue to research and think about where I'll go, and what I'll do.

As I wrote about previously, I have decided that I will either live in Ambergris Caye (San Pedro) or in Placencia. But also remember, nothing is set in stone. Based upon all the blogs I am reading from ex-pats living there, rental costs can vary widely in Ambergris depending on what you need and want in a place to live. And I mean widely. I am aware, you can get a very Americanized condo with all the amenities including a lovely pool and bar etc., at a condo complex with a two bedroom place costing around $1200 a month or more.

At first glance that isn't much different than what I'm paying in the U.S. for a one bedroom place but then I have to take into account the increased costs for plenty of other things including the costs for utilities, phone, internet etc.

But you can also at times find homes in Ambergris (decidedly less Americanized and without the amenities) for $600 a month.

I am already thinking I'd like to lean towards the $600 a month, I don't need much, just enough room for me and I'd like enough room so that when my friends come to visit (hint hint) they can just stay with me. But that serves as a warning to my friends, if you're looking for the 5-star accommodations when you come to visit, you might as well make reservations at a resort because I'm not likely to have them. I would so much rather spend my money on travel, diving, seeing and learning about the country and the culture in Belize and my other passions.

I am still working on research to learn real costs in Placencia.

Is it a Fly in the Ointment or A Sign of What I Should Do?

I had heard about this some before but didn't know a lot of the details. I'm starting to learn more.

Norwegian Cruise Lines made a deal with the government of Belize to buy an island about two miles off the coast of Placencia called Harvest Caye. The plan is to build their very own cruise ship port there. According to the local news I have read there is a lot of heart ache about this plan. Many are saying it will ruin Belize's reputing as a top notch eco-tourism destination, that it could very likely ruin the reef with the dredging required for the port and the resulting silt that is dredged up (what will they do with it). Add to that, as I understand it Placencia's population is about 1000. A cruise ship will bring in about 4000 tourists with each ship. So is this plan a fly in my ointment or a sign that I should think more seriously about Placencia area now, before NCL has taken over?

I have been to the Cruise Ship shopping area at Belize City and already know I would hate to see the same thing in Placencia. I also am aware that Harvest Caye has a lot of mangroves and is home to Manatees. I would really be sad to see their habitat ruined by making room for an obnoxious cruise ship and a bunch of unaware and uncaring tourists (not all are this way but there are enough). And I am also aware that this area is a great area to dive and snorkel with whale sharks and wonder if that will change with the cruise ship traffic. And they plan to have this all done by 2015!

I'm going to paraphrase some of what I have read recently but will  try and provide some links to some articles and information. As I understand it the project itself is at a cost of about 50 million dollars for NCL. The deal they got with Belize is that they pay the government $7 for each passenger that arrives then  the government pays NCL back $4 per passenger for them to recoup their 50 million dollar investment. What? Apparently the $7 per passenger is a deal in the caribbean. NCL is promising 250 part time  high-season jobs for Belize. A luxury resort like Coppola's Turtle Inn provides 125 year round jobs alone.

It is looking to me like someone isn't thinking very long term for Belize or someone is getting some type of compensation for pushing this idea through (but maybe that is my cynical American view). Anyway, please read the following if you're interested in more info:

San Pedro Scoop

San Pedro Scoop

Ambergris Today

So back to All Things Considered

What much of this is leading to is; I'm starting to think I might like Placencia (as it is today) more than Ambergris and maybe I should try living there before it gets overrun by "murricans who want to buy chotskies (likely made in China with the word Belize printed on them). Also, I have heard that, at least now, Placencia is cheaper than Ambergris.

Before and after shots??

This all depresses me somewhat as we as humans continue to ruin some of the most beautiful places in the world, kill or capture some of the most beautiful animals in the world all out of either greed or stupidity but that is a post for another day when I'm really fired up.

(But just in case you haven't heard .... watch Blackfish and The Cove and start paying attention)

One last note, this is instructions for friends if you plan to come and visit:

ONE: You've been warned about what the accommodations might be like so don't complain (but I'll update you once I get there and find a place to live ... lets hope I'm not camping on the beach).

TWO: I hear that things like wine and liquor that are imported from the US can be quite expensive in Belize and there was a hint I read ... if you're coming maybe make a stop at the duty free shop in the airport and bring some with you. Or plan to drink the local stuff including Belikin -- the beer of Belize.

THREE: If you're coming consider writing ahead, there are a few American things that I'd love to have that I won't be able to get there or might be easier and cheaper from the US, and it would be great if you'd consider letting me send you the money and you adding them to your bag or your carry on as favor to me.

I'm really working now on the art of patience, and letting go of the things I have no control over, of which there are plenty. Everything will happen when it is supposed to and I will be right where I am meant to be. (Can you hear the Ommmm, I recite after that?)


  1. Hmm, what does the extra $600 month get you in "amenities"? Air conditioning? Laundry? I don't know about you but there are some things I could not do without long term. Good luck in your research and your search, Julie! I hope I can come visit!

  2. Looks like my wife and I will be in San Pedro from July 3-9. If you end up in San Pedro, let me know if there is anything I can bring you from the states!

  3. I just got done reserving our place in San Pedro for the week of Thanksgiving (yes, it get "celebrated" in Belize due to the large ex-pat community...just different). Hopefully, we wil be able to meet up and do a few dives.

  4. @Karen,I really am not sure except I'm guessing it is things like a dishwasher rather than hand washing dishes, maybe cable -- I don't care much about TV, a pool and bar onsite, that kind of thing.
    @Josh -- Thanks! I'll let you know! No matter what would love to see you so even if I'm in Placencia a couple days in Ambergris would be fun.
    @David, that would be wonderful. Let's be sure to stay in touch!
